I'm glad people still do these. They really do the trick when you're bored...IN THE LAST MONTH HAVE YOU
1. Bought something: A bike for Pat (He got one for me as well)
2. Gotten sick? No
3.been hugged? Yes from my family and Pat. Oh how I love them :)
4. Felt stupid?: Oh yes. Most of those moments are at the hospital.
5. Talked to an ex: No
6. Missed someone: Yes! I miss Granny, Krystal, Haley, Whit, Jenna, Abby, Audrey, Billie, Mer, etc. Seriously, the list goes on and on so don't feel left out if you're not on here and I had a brain fart.
7. Danced crazy: yeah! Yes, in Patrick's kitchen.
8. Gotten your hair done: No, but I seriously need a hair cut!
9. Lied: I don't remember, but I'm sure I let a little white lie slip somewhere in the last month.
UNIQUE1. Nervous habits: I pick at my finger nails
2. Are you double jointed?:No
3. Can you roll your tongue?: Yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: slightly
5.Can you cross your eyes?Yes
6. Do you make your bed daily?: No way
7. Do you think you are unique?: sure
HAVE YOU EVER1. Said "I Love you" and meant it?: Everyday
2. Given money to a homeless person?: No, but I did drive Whit through Southside Birmingham to give a homeless guy a sandwich.
1. Do you swear?: No
2. Do you ever spit?: Yes, when I'm running sometimes
3. You cook your own food?: Yes (even though Haley and Mr. Brown don't think I can)
4. You do your own chores?: Uh, yeah! And sometimes other people's
5. You like beef jerky?: it's ok
6. You like pepsi or coke?: If you know me at all, you know this answer...Coke!
7. You're happy with your hair?: I'm happy that I can finally get it out of my face, but it's huge when I let it go!
8. You own a dog?: No, but an awesome 1/2 dog, 1/2 cat named Tub. He fetches!
9. You spend your money wisely?: Oh yeah.
10. Do you like to swim?: yes
11. When you get bored do you call a friend?: I either call someone, or do something online
12. Are you patient?: No.
1. flowers or angels?: flowers
2. gray or black?: gray
3. Color or black and white photos?: depends on the event
4. lust or love?: what??? Love!
5. sunrise or sunset?: Sunset
6. M&Ms or Skittles?: Regular M&Ms
7. rap or rock?: both, but I like rock the best
8. staying up late or waking up early?: staying up late
1. being hot or cold?: Hot
2. Winter or Fall?: fall
3. left or right: Right
4. having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: 2 best friends definately
5. sunshine or rain? sunshine when I'm outside, rain when im sleeping or watching a movie
6.vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? chocolate
7. boys or girls?: a balance of both