Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Gender Predictions

So what do you think we'll have? Boy or girl? Post your prediction! 

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Beverly Brief

Baby: According to babycenter.com, our little one is about the size of a lime and is 3.5 inches long. I went to the doctor a few days ago. She found the heart beat which was beating strong at about 140 beats/minute. We will find out March 11 if we'll be meeting Patrick McCay or Cameron Gray this August. 

Sarah: I'm starting a new Beth Moore bible study on Wednesday nights at Lakeside called Stepping Up. It is about the Psalms of Ascent. I need to get motivated again and keep up with my homework which is always a struggle for me. I've also been looking and asking around to find someone to keep our baby when I go back to work. 

Patrick: Baseball season is underway with the first game in a couple weeks. Patrick is taking his 2nd class in graduate school at Montevallo on Monday nights. His professor actually keeps them until about 8 at night so we don't like that. Patrick tends to text me a lot during that time haha. 

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


August 8 is our due date! After going to the Dr. yesterday and having an ultrasound, I know now that I am farther along than 7 or 8 weeks (which is what I expected). I am actually 9 weeks 5 days as of 1/9/08. We were able to get our first glimpse of the baby and it's heart beat which the Dr. said was "strong". It was so amazing to see what was growing inside me. Now I have proof of more than just a stick that has two lines on it :). Patrick went with me and we were both very happy with this first prenatal appointment. I go back in 4 weeks to hear the baby's heart beat via doppler. Yesterday it looked like it's heart was beating about 130 bpm. How fast does it have to be to consider a boy?

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

7 WEEKS...


As far as I know, I'm 7 weeks along. I'll be going for my first (official) ultrasound on Jan. 8 so we can see the little one's heart beat. My friend at work brought in an ultrasound machine a few weeks ago into the recovery room (from the OR) and we found a little "peanut" in my belly. We are very excited and we'd appreciate your prayers.