Waco Weekend
Haley and I had a great time in Waco this weekend with Matt, Jenna,and friends. The trip started off rough as we missed our flight on Friday night. No, we were there 2 hours ahead of time, but unaware of the new "no liquids" rule at the airport. We had too much money in the liquids that we had in our carry on (shampoo, makeup, mascara, perfume, etc) and were unable to check our bags so we had to get another flight out the next morning. We did get to hang out with Beth and John in Suwanee that night. While in Waco we ate some good Mexican food, toured the Baylor campus, met a Nick Lachey look a like, took long walks, ate some awesome custard icecream, watched Zoolander and perfected our "Blue Steel" looks, and laughed continuously. Thanks Matt & Jenna for a great weekend!
Theme songs of the weekend: "Promiscuous Girl", "Does Your Chain Hang Low" & "What's Left of Me"
Quote of the Trip: "Don't you watch the news?"--Every person at the airport
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